Work with Lauren

Empower Your Journey: Partner with Lauren Perotti to Transform Your Potential into Achievement.


Hand Analysis

Explore the depths of your unique essence with Soul Purpose Hand Analysis, a unique blend of ancient palmistry and modern scientific and psychological insights. This method focuses on revealing your life's purpose and talents rather than fortune-telling, allowing you to understand and leverage your inherent strengths. Upon booking, a custom kit will be sent to you, which includes all the tools and instructions needed to prepare and send your handprints to Lauren. In your session, Lauren will guide you through identifying your gifts, developing skills, and overcoming personal barriers to success. Highly skilled in this distinctive technique, Lauren combines her expertise in business, psychology, and spiritual guidance to provide comprehensive support. For a limited time, book a one-hour session with Lauren for only $197 and begin your journey toward fulfilling your soul's mission. 

Book A Hand Analysis Session


Angel Reading

In addition to earthly assistance from family and friends, you have a vast array of heavenly guides—including angels—that are available to team with you so you can maximize your ability to achieve your desired results. Tap into this realm of heavenly assistance through Angel Readings with Lauren, a seasoned conduit for divine messages. Her deep connection with angelic beings through meditation, prayer, and oracle cards brings forth guidance that enhances your understanding of angels, improves intuition, and provides specific insights into your life’s challenges. An Angel Reading with Lauren empowers you to invite this angelic guidance into your life, giving you the strength and wisdom you need to flourish.

An Angel reading with Lauren will help you:

  • Understand the hierarchy of angels and how they influence various aspects of life.
  • Invite angels into your life for guidance in achieving your desires and resolving life's questions.
  • Deepen your relationships with specific angels to enhance your intuition and spiritual awareness.
  • Feel supported and connected, knowing you are never truly alone with angels by your side.
Book an Angel Reading With Lauren


Unlock Your Full Potential: One-on-One Coaching with Lauren

Embark on a transformative journey with Lauren's One-on-One Coaching Package. Over two months and through four tailored 60-minute sessions, you’ll gain the insights and strategies needed to achieve significant personal and professional growth.

Key Benefits You’ll Receive:

  1. Targeted, Actionable Strategies: Each session is custom-designed to address your unique challenges, helping you implement real changes that drive results.

  2. Consistent Support and Progress: The coaching, spread over two months, provides a structured timeline that allows for meaningful development and reflection between sessions.

  3. Convenience and Flexibility: Schedule sessions at your convenience and access session recordings anytime to review and deepen your understanding.

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